From research… to development
Working hand in hand with R&D and Marketing teams, our experience in product development has grown through disruptive innovations, exciting industrial challenges, and successful collaborations.
For more than 20 years, we have been supporting innovation in various fields, with one sole ambition: to explore, dissect and build products and services of tomorrow.
Construire de solides
plateformes d’innovation
Tester des idées
jusqu’aux mix aboutis
From consumer knowledge… to customer experience
From consumer trends to user journeys, we unearth key insights for your global strategy and your future innovations. A job demanding both observation and definition that enriches knowledge of your customer culture.
Brand strategy and corporate identity
Companies and brands increasingly face different yet often complementary positioning and communication challenges. From business plans to crisis communication, from brand values to business pillars, we offer planning work adapted to today's challenges.
We treat every communication issue (360°, below the line, print, TV, digital), with subtle, non-intrusive moderation techniques that enable us to capture respondents’ emotions.
Whatever the research, our belief is to always maintain real-life conditions. We are careful to preserve the genuineness of respondents, in order to capture the most spontaneous reactions possible.
Our experience of collaborating with communication agencies also allows us to set up heavy and demanding fieldwork with a lot of flexibility.
Consult us for:
Pre/Post-campaign ad testing: Animatics, billboards, Storyboards
Creative idea exploration: Based on a wide range of stimuli that can include film clips, images, materials, objects
Promises and claims test: In creative and intuitive formats
TV show pre-test: From script to first pilot shown in theatres